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 Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4)

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 586
Join date : 20/04/2009
Age : 30

Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Empty
MesazhTitulli: Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4)   Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2012 12:39 am

Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2012 By: LongHorn
AntiCheats UCP version 7.4.1

Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Lhbox

Sot me daten 13.02.2012 publikohet New Version i Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2012 djem en ket version kom pru disa sene shum te mira dhe interesante kom menu sa ma professional mu kon jan bo disa permisime shum te mira dhe disa risi shum te mira gjithashtu GUI eshte pak ma ndryshe ma perfekt e punuar dhe me rrall do ti sheni te gjitha new qe gjinden ne kete version, kom vendos disa config qe sa ma shum mi ik llagut dmth me rrit perfomancen e FPS dhe sa ma low ping me pass jan disa programe, config dhe regfile te windows per internet sa me te mir me pas dmth per low ping, poashtu kom bo nje tutorial per Boost dmth FPS & Ping eshte ne 3 Hapa eshte shum e thjesht e keni edhe Manual dmth Lexoje.txt, kete CS e kom bo ne 2 gjuh ne SHQIP dmth eshte Full Shqip dhe Anglisht te cilen gjuh mund te gjeni ne Folderin LongHorn Tools 2012/LH CS Language - EN & AL, poashtu kom shtu Opcionin ndryshe dmth te Video Resolution dhe Background dmth hin ne folderin Background & Video Resolution dhe zgedhni ne cilin Video Resolution luni dhe automatikisht CS kthehet ne Resolution qe ki kliku poashtu gjera interesante eshte se automatikisht edhe Background kthehet ne at Resolution dmth nuk humb kualiteti i Fotos dmth Background, risija tjeter eshte Spektator banner eshte pak ma ndryshe se sa default qe eshte eshte pak ma bukur dhe me pro, risija tjeter eshte Dizajni i ri i BuyMenu dmth thjesht Arm jan Default dmth ato te vjetrat po Dizajni i pamjes se BuyMenu eshte new dmth me bukur per sy dhe ma pro, ka risi tjera jan Tools gje gjinden ne Folderin LongHorn Tools 2012 me posht do tju kallxoj qa permban ky version i CS dhe Screenshot se si duket ky version shpresoj tju pelqen.
LongHorn Edition - Version 3 (c) 2012
Release: 13/02/2012


* Compatibility with Anticheats UCP / sXe Injected / CS Bot's
* Protocol 48 Non-Steam Patch Version 44 (Orange Box)
* Exe version / Exe Build (4554)
* SteamID Numeric not required CDKey
* The original character models and weapons Clean rip from original files
* Working in All Version of Windows (XP, VISTA, Win7 etc..)
* Playable on LAN and Internet
* NEW - Setti MasterServer Version 1.2 ( Play Online in 8.000 Servers)
* NEW - LongHorn GUI v3 Reversion (Graphical User Interface) Pefect Design
* NEW - Version of REVOLUTION Emulator 9.8.4
* NEW - Bots included v2.5 (with no sound)
* NEW - Anticheats UCP Version 7.4.1 (Protect your Game from Cheaters)
* NEW - Splashscreen - Background in 3 Version 640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768 (Look in Folder Backgorund & Video resolution)
* NEW - Fonts (Size & Quality)
* NEW - Design of BuyMenu + included Default BuyMenu (Look in folder Dafault BuyMenu)
* NEW - Spectator Banner Much Beauty
* NEW - Commander Menu (Added some stuff & Bot's commands, Admin, Mp3Player, Game Settings, AMX, FPS & Ping Boost etc..)
* NEW - LongHorn Update Client (Update your Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2012) - Look in LongHorn Tool's 2012
* NEW - Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2012 in 2 Language English & Albania - Look in LongHorn Tool's 2012
* NEW - FPS & Ping Booster Tutorial ( Boost your game with 3 steps)
* NEW - Icon Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2012 (No UCP) & UCP Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2012 (with UCP)
* NEW - Folder LongHorn Tool's 2012 (the best tools for Professional Gamers)
* NEW - The Best Professional Configuration Commands
* NEW - Autoexec FPS & Ping Booster Configuration (TuneUp) 100FPS
* NEW- RegFile User 100% Internet Speed (Automatic Install) For Low Ping
* NEW - Show Steam ID & Record Demo added in Gamemenu Script
* NEW - Loading Logo
* NEW - GameStartup Song (Remix Carmina Burana)
* NEW - Motd Logo Full Dimension
* Improved - Chats Con Colors
* Improved - Chats Fonts Size (Default)
* Improved - UCP (Hight) mode of priority for game process
* Added - 187 Spray Logo
* Added - hw.ddl file of Orange BoX
* Added - NonForce Commander
* Added - Some new maps
* Fixed - Wad's File (some wad file Request)
* Fixed - Some Bugs
* Removed - some ddl file, HLDS and HLTV to play in new version of UCP
* Easy To Install & Beauty - 100% Clean - Only in 241MB Size
* All Is Free Just Install & PLAY Hard. Go Pro.

Install Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Installer

Background Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Loadinggedition
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Welcomenn

LongHorn GUI Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Multiplayer
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Videofp
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Voicej.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Mouselo.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Poweredp.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Keyboardp.th
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Loadinggedition.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Createserver.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Demoplayer.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Audioq.th

BuyMenu Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) M4a1q
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Teammenu.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Deaglem.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Buymenu.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Modeqb.th

InGame Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Consoleingame

Spectator Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Spec1b

Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Iconssw

LongHorn Tool's 2012 Screenshot
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Lhfolder
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Lhupdateclient.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) ThumbnmailCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Fpsping.thCounter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Backvideoresolution.th

AntiVirus Scan
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Nodscan.th

Download - ESK Direct Link

[size=110]Size: 241 MB [/size]

Download - DropBox Direct Link

[size=110]FIX BuyMenu - O (buyequipment)[/size]
Shkoni ne folderin LongHorn Tools 2012 /Default BuyMenu dhe hapni programin Default-BuyMenu dhe extract automatikisht ju ndreq problemi gjat blerjes se bombave dhe pancirit me O qe nuk heket dmth

YouTube Views

Special Thanks: d2works & Kaspersky

Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4) Dwtlb6


Mbrapsht në krye Shko poshtë
Counter Strike 2012 By LongHorn (me UCP 7.4)
Mbrapsht në krye 
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