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 Hacking The PSP

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 152
Join date : 21/04/2009

Hacking The PSP Empty
MesazhTitulli: Hacking The PSP   Hacking The PSP I_icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 11:43 am

Hacking the PSP

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Hacking the PSP | PDF | 8.30 mb
When I first heard about the PSP, I was ecstatic about the possibilities of having such powerful technology on a portable platform. Here was Sony, the inventors behind the incredible wizardry that went into the PlayStation 2, making a portable version that didn’t skimp on features, and in fact was actually in tune with the wants and needs of modern gamers and computer geeks! Built-in Wi-Fi; full media playback capabilities; expansion capabilities with the use of Memory Sticks instead of some weird, expensive proprietary PSP-only format; a USB 2.0 port—it even played games! Wow, talk about a platform waiting not only to be played, but hacked to all get out. I was the first person in line at midnight at a GameStop in Indianapolis, Indiana. I plopped down the money, ate a few free doughnuts, and went home to see what my new toy could do.


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