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 Changing your IP

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 457
Join date : 26/04/2009
Age : 30

Changing your IP Empty
MesazhTitulli: Changing your IP   Changing your IP I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2009 12:50 pm

So lets say you need to get an IP change. Banned from a server? Banned from vent? Banned from a website?

Well all of these bans can be easily bypassed with the change of your MAC address.

-------------Now lets review:
Your MAC address is a unique address assigned to your network card (NIC).

There's some software that lets you change your MAC in Windows : SMAC or MACShift

In order to have your IP changed successfully, you must be directly connected to your modem from your PC.
Why? Well once the modem see that you have a different MAC, it will need to get a new IP address for you. Now your router also has a MAC address....but you can't change a router's MAC. So if you remain connected to your router and change your MAC, then the router will assign you a different internal IP but you still get the same external IP. Confused?

-------------Lets Review:
You have two IPs if you're connected to your router. An external IP and internal IP. This was invented so that many computers can connect to a single connection with the same external IP and different IP. So in other words lets say you have a router and 2 computers are connected to it. Those computers will have the same external IP (to check the external IP goto http://whatismyip.com/)...but those computers will be assigned different "reserved IPs". Reserved IPs cannot be used as external IPs...these IPs are like, etc. Now each of the computers assigned to the router will have IPs like,

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Changing your IP
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